Case study
Transforming Lives in Birmingham - Proactive Early Intervention & Prevention
The City of Birmingham faced significant challenges in effectively identifying and intervening with vulnerable families at risk of homelessness. The Assistant Director of Early Intervention & Prevention (EI&P) spearheaded an ambitious initiative to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach. Impera, engaged as the consulting partner, provided expertise in Cohort Analytics, designed a comprehensive Data Strategy for Early Intervention & Prevention, and facilitated the design and delivery of a groundbreaking proactive outreach pilot.
The objectives were:​
Design a data-driven cohort of vulnerable families at risk of homelessness.
Design and implement a proactive outreach mechanism, or "nudge."
Develop an evaluation framework for the pilot.
Deploy and evaluate the proactive outreach pilot.
Impera's strategic approach aligned with Birmingham's vision for transformation:
Outcomes Framework Design:
Designed and delivered a robust outcomes framework for the pilot, ensuring clarity in objectives and measurable criteria.
Team Training:
Trained the in-house team to effectively utilise gov.notify text messaging, a key component of the proactive outreach.
Data Strategy for Cohort Identification:
Formulated a data strategy to identify a vulnerable cohort: residents at risk of homelessness.
Identified a specific cohort of families who, despite requesting food bank vouchers, had underclaimed or not claimed other eligible benefits.
Evaluation Post Pilot:
Conducted a thorough evaluation post a 4-month pilot period, assessing the impact and outcomes achieved.
Organisational Impact:
Delivered a completely new way of working, transforming the service offer from reactive to proactive.
Built in-house capacity and capability to run multiple future cohorts.
Business Case Validation:
The evaluation post the pilot proved the business case for EI&P, supporting the published case study titled "Prevention is 3x better than cure."
Societal Impact:
The pilot supported 39 families over a 4-month period, with a total cumulative value of benefits delivered amounting to £94k.
Supported 17 individuals with a disability, preventing further escalation into Adult Social Care, resulting in a total cost avoidance of £1.32m.
Impera's collaboration with Birmingham's EI&P team successfully transformed lives through proactive early intervention. The shift to data-driven strategies showcased the city's commitment to innovative solutions, ultimately improving outcomes for vulnerable families and validating the power of prevention. This case study stands as a testament to Birmingham's dedication to creating positive societal impact through strategic data initiatives.